01/10/2012 at Al Abraq Al Khabari
I arrived the site alone at 6.30 when light was just about acceptable for photographing. Later on Khaled Al Ghanim joined me. First I saw Cuckoo and then two Red-breasted Flycatchers showing that migration is going on. Even lonely White Wagtail speaks on it’s behalf. The most interesting bird was, however, Levant Sparrowhawk. I have seen it only once before in Kuwait and probably not so surprisingly in Al Abraq. This time I managed to get much better pics though. Once I met Khaled we tried to relocate Levant Sparrowhawk which didn’t work out but as a byproduct we found a juvenile Peregrine that I haven’t photographed in Kuwait so far. So this morning was more than satisfactory added with pictures of Booted Eagle and Greater Spotted Eagle. All in all the variety of raptors, 9 species, was magnificent others being Sparrowhawk 3, Pallid Harrier 3, Kestrel 1, Steppe Buzzard 5, Steppe Eagle 1 and Black Kite 1.

I have a doubt about the eagle you identified as a juv GSE. Can’t it be a juv steppe eagle because of the brown colour of the upperparts and the long gape ?