03/11/2017 at various sites
Main target today was to show to my friend Bassel Afghan Babblers. However, on the way to Abdaly farms we stopped first at Mutla’a Ranch where we had female Hypocolious, male Shikira and c. 5 Red-breasted Flycatchers. Nex stop was Rawdatain botling plant that produced 2 more Red-breasted Flycatchers and Accipiter sp. In Abdaly farms we saw first few Hypocolius before finding Afghan Babblers. We had at least 8 birds around and more Hypocolius. On the way back to Kuwait city we stopped at Sabriya farm. Over there we were able to hear call of Hume’s Leaf Warbler. This at least my best understanding. All in all quite nice birding day.