03/12/2014 at Jahra Pool Reserve
I went Jahra pool Reserve with Bob, John and Thomas this morning. We saw immediately 3 Greater Spotted Eagles and Menetrie”s Warbler. After driving around some time I got to know that Fieldfare is still around. Since this species is not so interesting for European visitors we split. I found Fieldfare with kind help from Abdulaziz Aluseefi and Abdulmohsen Al-Sureyea. Actually, the finnder of the bird is Mohammed Khorsed. According to George Gregory”s book “The Birds of the State of Kuwait” this species used to be more common in the past. However, in last 20 years this is the first new record. While photographing Fieldfare I spotted male Namaqua Dove. That species was interesting to Europeans so I took them to the site. Bob and John managed to photograph the bird.