07/04/2012 at Abdali Farms and some other sites
British Canadian group was today joined by Finnish group. We visited Abdaly Farms in hope to find Afghan Babblers and indeed we found breeding birds. We saw at least 3 birds carrying food into one tree. Most probably there were more birds involved that we were able to count. At our usual watch point, where we can see Bubiyan island, we had several Swift Terns, Lesser Crested Terns, Crab Plovers. Yellow Wagtails and European Bee-eaters migrated in good numbers to North. Next stop was Sabriya Farm in hope of Radde’s Accentor for Finns but in vain. Instead we saw many interesting birds including Semi-collared Flycatcher, 5 Hypocolius, several Ortolan Buntings, Namaqua Dove, Quail, rufous female Cuckoo, two Menetries Warblers etc. Last but not least stop was at Jahra Pool Reserve. We saw on arrival flying Red-wattled Lapwing on the far side of the reserve. When we got there we found White-tailed Lapwing and doubt arouse regarding initial ID. Only Colin Butler was firm and said that initial ID of Red-wattled Lapwing was correct. Soon after that we saw Red-wattled Lapwing flying and landing in the front of us – what a coincidence.
Afghan Babbler (Turdoides caudatus huttoni) Photograph by Nigel Webster.