07/12/2010 at Jahra Farms
I found with Brian this morning 2 Ashy Drongos at Jahra Farms which is the the same place where we had the first record in April this year. This will be second record for Kuwait if accepted by KORC. Hard to believe it to be true. I saw the first bird when Brian was just about to go under big trees to flush thrushes etc. I shouted to Brian “Drongo” and he looked to direction that I pointed out noting that there are in fact two Drongos. We soon alerted other expats and local birders who appeared quickly. Waiting for them to come I walked to original founding site flushing Egyptian Nightjar which unfortunately didn’t give chance for other birders to see it or me to photograph it. Later we managed to see two Redwings which is good species in Kuwait and one male Black-throated Thrush.