12/03/2010 at Al Abraq and SAANR
I visited in the morning Al Abraq Al Khabari and later SAANR with Brian Foster. Migration is on the full swing. In Al Abraq we had Eastern Orphean Warbler, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, 2 Turkmenistan Shrikes, Whitethroat, Rock Thrush, Redstarts of race samamisicus etc. first for this spring. In SAANR we had several Pale Rock Sparrows, three Hoopoe Larks, c. 40 Caspian Plovers, 176 Ruff, 17 Avocets and huge amount of Painted Lady butterflies. Thousands and thousands of them flying around.
Turkmenistan Shrike (Lanius phoenicuroides)

Rock Thrush (Monticola saxatilis)

Persian Wheatear (Oenanthe chrysopygia) This species was formerly regarded as a race of Kurdish Wheatear (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)

Pale Rock Sparrow (Carpospiza brachydactyla)

Hoopoe Lark (Alaemon alaudipes)