14-19/09/2024 Jahra Pools Reserve and Mutla’a Ranch

Jahra Pool Reserve 19/09/2024

Grey-headed Swamphen 2, Common Snipe 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Wood Sandpiper 2, Little Stint 28, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Turkestan Shrike 2, Isabelline Shrike 3, Woodchat Shrike 1, Greater Short-toed Lark 24, Ehrenberg’s Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamisicus) 2, Desert Wheatear 1.

Mutla’a Ranch 19/09/2024

Eurasian Collared Dove 5, Laughing Dove 1, Eurasian Hoopoe 3, Turkestan Shrike1, Isabelline Shrike 1, Greater Short-toed Lark 8, Crested Lark 18, White-eared Bulbul 5, Spotted Flycatcher 3, House Sparrow 43, Western Yellow Wagtail 5

Jahra Pool Reserve 17/09/2024

Garganey 24, Northern Shoveler 16, Eurasian Collared Dove 3, Common Moorhen 15, Eurasian Coot 5, Grey-headed Swamphen 2, Green Sandpiper 1, Little Stint 2, Western Marsh Harrier 3, Eurasian Hoopoe 3, Isabelline Shrike 3, Masked Shrike 1, House Sparrow 20, Tree Pipit 1.

Jahra Pool Reserve15/09/2024

Eurasian Collared Dove 2, Common Moorhen 12, Grey-headed Swamphen 8, Little Ringed Plover 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 2, Common Snipe 2, Common Sandpiper 2, Marsh Sandpiper 1, Ruff 1, Sanderling 1, Little Stint 7, Little Egret 35, Grey Heron 4, Western Marsh Harrier 1, Eurasian Hoopoe 2, Red-backed Shrike 2, Great Grey Shrike 2, Masked Shrike 2, Delicate Prinia 1, Sand Martin 4, Garden Warbler 1, Common Whitethroat 1, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Isabelline Wheatear 4, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear 1, House Sparrow 25.

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