14/10/2013 at Al Abraq Al Khabari and Jahra Pool Reserve
Migratory birds are currently going through Kuwait and first wintering ones have just arrived. Personally my latest Golden Oriole ever here in Kuwait showed up this morning at Al Abraq. I saw at least 8 Red-breasted Flycatchers, c. 20 Little Egrets, 3 Squacco Herons, Cattle Egret, Sparrowhawk, Accipiter sp., Steppe Eagle, Masked Shrike, two Rock Thrushes and 3 Grey Wagtails. About wintering birds I saw two Stonechats, Desert Wheatear and my first White Wagtail this autumn. At Jahra Pool Reserve I found c. 40 Carganeys, two Common Kingfishers, 5 Common Snipe, 4 Great White Egrets, 15 Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, 5 Yellow Wagtails and Steppe Buzzard.