19.08.2008 at Pivot Fields
Migration has advanced to the point that brings first ducks to Kuwait. Garganey is typically first to arrive but still a flock of 33 birds was a bit surprising in August. Montagu’s Harrier was a new raptor species for the season. Numbers of our two Bee-eater species are growing rapidly.
Purple Heron 1, Little Egret 3, Cattle Egret 13, Garganey 33, Ruff 5, Little Ringed Plover 7, Green Sandpiper 1, Collared Pratincole 4, European Roller 6, Hoopoe 10+, European Bee-eater 15, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 35, Barn Swallow 300+, Sand Martin 5, Black-crowned Sparrow-lark 30, Rufous Bush Robin 4, Woodchat Shrike 1, Great Rreed Warbler 2.
Garganeys landing to wet field.

Purple Heron