20/05/2011 at Abraq Al Habari and a first record at Jahra Pool Reserve
Al Abraq didn’t produce much this morning. Brian and myself were still pleased to find European Nightjar. Most of the migrants have gone through. The biggest surprise that we had today happened at Jahra Pool Reserve. Initially I just wanted to show to Brian how low water level is at the moment there. We checked the whole reserve including watchtower #2. Brian noticed a stonechat looking bird wondering how late it was. Soon after that he realised that the bird was black. It was almost immediately clear that we are looking at Pied Stonechat which is first for Kuwait if acepted by KORC.
I have to say that after 7 years birding with Brian coming to the end since he is going to retire in June this was the best possible thing to happen to us at the end. I will miss Brian’s inspiring accompany so much.
European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)

Male Pied Stonechat (Saxicola caprata)

Pied Stonechat

Awesome! Congratulations to the both of you!