22/02/2008 at Wafra Farms and Khiran area.
Inside a small farm at Wafra Farms there were 4 Mountain Chiffchaffs calling at different sites during 21 and 22 and 23/02/2008, a fourth bird heard making a call of tristis ssp.
At Kheeran area, together with Rashed, we found: Woodchat Shrikes 2, Desert Warbler 3, Pied Wheatear 1, Eurasian Hoope 3, Desert Wheatear 2, Lesser Kestrel 2, Red-tailed Wheatear 1, Isabelline Wheatear 6, Southern Grey Shrike 2, Menetries’s Warbler 1, House Sparrow 6.
Isabelline Wheatear

Two Isabelline Wheatears.