20-22/10/2009 at Jahra East Outfall, Jahra Pool Reaserve and Sulaibiya Pivot Fields
On 22/10/2009 at JEO: Mountain Chifchaff 1, Common Chiffchaff 3, European Reed Warbler 3, Great Reed Warbler 1, Turkestan Shrike 2, Moustached Warbler 3, Cetti’s Warbler 1 (seen by Rashed).
A very short visit to Pivot Fields produced: Indian Roller 1, Common Kestrel 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Daurian Shrike 2.
On 21/10/2009 Mohd Khorshed has found a Yellow-browed Warbler at JEO.
On 20/10/2009 Humoud Al-Shayji has has a flock of 20 Griffon Vultures over JEO, and Mohd Khorshed found a Northern Goshawk at Jahra Pool on 20/10/2009 all members of OSK.
Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus) photo: Mohd Khorshed
Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) photo: Humoud Al-Shayji
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) photo: Mohd Khorshed
Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis