22/10/2010 at Abraq Al Habari and SAANR
Weekly visit to Al Abraq with Brian didn’t produce much this time. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 6, Red -breasted Flycatcher 6, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Redstart 1, Chiffchaff 10, Yellow-throated Sparrow 2, Cattle Egret 1 and Shikra 1. SAANR produced some raptors mainly Steppe Eagles c. 20, Eastern Imperial Eagle 2 and Sparrowhawk 1. During last week Mr. Khalid Al Nasrallah managed to photograph a juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle with wing-tagg bearing code H/07. We sent this information and photographs to Mr. Evgeny Bragin who kindly replied that this bird was wing-tagged on 31 July 2010 in Naurzum Reserve, North-Central Kazakhstan. This is a very important piece of information in terms of getting understanding where our migrating Eastern Imperial Eagles are coming from. There is now artificial lake in SAANR that has proved to be very good for eagles and vultures to drink safely. After drinking they can soar up into heights well above shotgun range and they can move freely to south. Probably this amendment to SAANR is one of the best things that Voluntary Work Center has done.
Juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

Same Eastern Imperial Eagle