23/05/2008 Lappet-faced Vulture relocated at Tulha
Brian and me decided to try Lappet-faced Vulture today altough the bird wasn’t seen on previous day. After 4 hours search we couldn’t find anything else than several migrants. We saw 3 Upcher’s Warblers, 1 Syke’s Warbler, 2 Barred Warblers, 3 Great Reed Warblers, several fuscus type Reed Warblers, 2 Rollers, 1 Golden Oriole, several Shrikes and Willow Wartblers. We were just about to leave Tulha when Brian noticed a big bird coming to the pool. There it was – Lapped-faced Vulture. We quickly informed other birders around and started photographing. Next three pictures photographed by P. Fagel.
Lappet-Faced Vulture (Torgos tracheliotus)