25/02/2008 at Jahra East Outfall with Pekka Fågel.
European Reed Warbler probably fuscus ssp. 1, Great Reed Warbler 1, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Little Crake 4, Cetti’s Warbler (only heard singing) 1, European Robin 2, Moustached Warbler 3, Water Rail (heard calling) 1.
At SAANR Pekka saw 11 Hoopoes, 2 Pied Wheatears and three Red-rumped Swallows.
My was car stuck in the mud, photographs by Pekka.

A help from a nice man.
Oh releived! finally my car was out of mud.
A Clamorous Reed Warbler photographed by Pekka.
A Moustached Warbler photographed by Pekka.
A Great Reed Warbler photographed by Pekka.
At Khiran Rashed had photographed a Red-tailed Wheatear 1, Mourning Wheatear 1, and Orphean Warbler 1 (first arrival).
Orphean Warbler.
A Finsch’s Wheatear, female.
A Red-taled Wheatear.