26/02/2015 at Al Abraq Al Khabari
I saw some migrants this morning like Grey Wagtail 4, Tawny Pipit 4, Yellow Wagtail ssp. feldeg c. 30 and one ssp. beema, singing Corn Bunting, obviously the same Redstart ssp. samamisicus which Neil Tovey saw almost a week ago. This bird is very early since I have never seen it as early as in February. Interestingly Goldcrest was still around. I saw phylloscopus species that looked like Wood Warbler having wide yellow supercilium, yellow upper breast and whitish lower breast and belly. However, yellowish vent and lack of contrasting tertials clearly showed that the bird wasn’t Wood Warbler. I urge everyone to take cautious approach to identify Wood Warbler in Kuwait. I know that there are reliable records (backed with photographs) but on the other hand there are so many unbased claims too.