26/08/2010 at Sulaibikhat Bay
Eurasian Oystercatcher 1, Lesser Sand Plover 1, Greater Sand Plover 4, Steppe Gull 10, Armenian Gull 5, Slender-billed Gull 50, Heuglin’s Gull 3, Little Stint 1, Curlew Sandpiper 200, Ruddy Turnstone 10, Common Ringed Plover 3, Indian Reef Heron 5, Terek Sandpiper 100, Caspian Tern 5, Little Egret 1.
Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus.
This individual (recognized by the missing foot) was seen in August 2007, then in the same spot on 18/08/2008, in 2009 I have not been to the same spot and again this year on 26/08/2010 500m from previous spot.

Armenian Gull Larus armenicus an adult note the short blunt-tiped bill, bill not as glossy as that of Steppe Gull below, steep forehead, round head and dark iris

Armenian Gull Larus armenicus first winter plumage (left) note the steep forehead short bill and rounded head.
Steppe Gull Larus fuscus/heuglini barabensis (right) note the long bill, 45° angled flat chest and belly and flat forehead.