28/04/2010 at Abraq Al Habari and Fahaheel shopping mall
In Al Abraq with Rainer Ertel and Hermann Reinhardt we found at least 5 Syke’s Warblers. About same numbers of Upcher’s Warblers and Olivaceous Warblers were around. Also one female Semi-collared Flycatcher was seen. Otherwise previous night, having Southerly wind and clear sky, had emptied the site. Only fraction of Shrikes, which once where numerous, were there. After checking few coastal wader sites without new species we decided to go to Fahaheel for photographing White-cheeked Terns. We found a Socotra Cormorant! After that we checked Fahaheel Park finding only common migrants.
Female Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata) at Al Abraq Al Khabari

White-cheeked Tern (Sterna repressa) at Fahaheel shopping centre