3/12/2007 at Jahra East Outfall
3/12/2007 at JEO.
3 Common Chiffchaffs, 1 Blackcap (first record for December), 1 Bluethroat, 1 Marsh Harrier.
A female Western Marsh Harrier.
![Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus](https://eqpbuyym5bp.exactdn.com/wp-content/2007/12/Western-Marsh-Harrier-Circus-aeruginosus-MG_5742-copy.jpg?lossy=1&ssl=1)
A Bluethroat.
![Eurasian Blackcap](https://eqpbuyym5bp.exactdn.com/wp-content/2007/12/Eurasian-Blackcap-Sylvia-atricapilla-Blackcap_2007.jpg?lossy=1&ssl=1)
Chiffchaffs, I found these Chiffchaffs difficult to assign to subspecies, the distinct supercilium, darkish eye stripe and lore, pale cutting edge of bill suggest a Mountain Chiffchaff but the ssp. expected in Kuwait is the lorenzii and is supposed to have warmer brown upperparts. Greenish tinge on mantle and green fringes of flight feathers (specially on second bird below) would exclude the ssp. tristis of Common Chiffchaff and Mountain Chiffchaff. Also dark legs exclude Plain Leaf Warbler. It May be similar to the birds in an article by N. Cleere et all published in Sandgrouse 26(2): 143-146. Any thoughts regarding the identification of these birds are much appreciated.