04/12/2010 at Pivot Fields, Sulaibiya
I was accompanied by Brian and Mike & Sylvie Newey. First stop at the small pond produced a big surprice. Sylvie asked ” what is that brown bird” Brian and myself answered without watching the bird “its immature Night Heron”. Brian got his bins first on the bird and realized that it is in fact Cormorant and soon after that he added Pygmy Cormorant. This steamed up the whole group and cameras were used heavily. Luckily the bird stayed several hours and many local birder were able to see and photograph it well. If accepted by KORC this is only second record for Kuwait. First record was two birds at Jahra Eat Outfall in March 2001 seen by visiting group. So by all means this is first for us! Drive around irrigated round shaped fields yielded one Eurasian Golden Plover, first for this winter, and some raptors includintg two Eastern Imperial Eagles.