Jahra East Outfall

10/03/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

A quick trip to JEO watching the reedbeds from just one location revealed at least 3 different Little Crakes. Note the very long toes on the bird in the second  photograph. Graceful Prinias were very active marking out...

Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon on a branch

09/03/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

Mountain Chiffchaffs (two bird were calling) 10+, Great Read Warbler 4, Little Crake 2, Sedge Warbler 1, Barn Owl 1 (heard calling), Yellow Wagtail feldegg ssp. 5+, White Wagtail 10+, Barn Swallow 100+, Water Pipit 4. Barn Swallow  became very...

Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus on dry reed stem

6/03/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

Mountain Chiffchaff (was calling) 1, Water Rail 4, Spotted Crake 1, Little Crake 4, Sedge Warbler 2, Siberian Stonechat variegatus ssp. 1,  Siberian Stonechat maurus ssp. 1, Great Reed Warbler 1, Northern Wheatear 1, Pied Kingfisher, Song Thrush 1,...

24/02/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

AT JEO I saw, European Reed Warbler probably fuscus ssp. 1, Unidentified Acrocephalus probably Clamorous 3, Little Craake 3, Savi’s Warbler 1, European Robin 2, Moustached Warbler 3, Common Chiffchaffs 5 . Savi’s Warbler photographed by Abdulrahman. Today 24/02...

23/02/2008 at Jahra East Outfall by Gary Brown.

Water rail      1Little crake    5       at leastSpotted crake   3       at leastMoustached warbler      1Basra reed warbler      3       +Yellow wagtail feldegg  10      +White wagtail   20      +Water pipit       1Barn swallow    50      +House martin    1Moorhen 8       +Common snipe    6       +Short-toed eagle        1Marsh...

Caspian Reed Warbler in reedbed

18/02/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

Little Crake 3, Mountain Chiffchaff 1, Common Chiffchaff 2, Blyth’s Reed Warbler 1, Bluethroat 1, Pallid Swift 5, Common Swift 2.A European Reed Warbler of ssp. fuscus. A Common Chiffchaff A Common Chiffchaff A Little Crake, female