
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear perched on a stub

23-28.3.2011 in Kuwait

A Finnish team of birdwatchers (Tapani Numminen, Jari Kårlund, Jarno Suni & Heikki Assinen) visited Kuwait 23-28.4.2011. This is to highlight some records during the trip. Traditional place for Afgan Babbler (Common Babbler) Turdoides caudatus huttoni, is Abdaly...

Baillon's Crake perching on reeds

29/03/2011 at Jahra East Outfall

Baillon’s Crake 1, Cetti’s Warbler 2, Spotted Crake 2, Little Crake 2, Siberian Stonechat 1, Citrine Wagtail 1, Red-spotted Bluethroat 2, Kurdestan Shrike 1, Great Reed Warbler 2, Graceful Prinia 4, Common Chiffchaff 15, Willow Warbler 3, Sedge...

Desert Lark perched on a rock

4-5/02/2011 a short trip to Saudi Arabia

I made a short visit to Oshayqer 200km north-west Riyad. I also obtained some good sound recordings. Desert Wheatears 5, Black Scrub Robin 6, Green Bee-eater 5, Arabian Grey Shrike 4, Graceful Prinia 2, Blackstart 5, Desert Warbler...

Hume's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei perched on a branch

02/02/2011 at Abraq Al Habari

This morning I was able to see the Hume’s Leaf Warbler and obtain a better recording. Hume’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei Hume’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei call sonagram. Produced by Audacity software; courtesy of Hume’s Leaf Warbler...

Kurdish Wheatear Oenanthe xanthoprymna

30/01/2011 at Wafra Farms

Western Black Redstart 2, Red-tailed Wheatear 1, Eurasian Hoopoe 2, Desert Wheatear 2, Isabelline Wheatear 1, Crested Lark 20. Red-tailed Wheatear Oenanthe chrysopygia Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops