
Common Cuckoo perching on the ground

15/10/2010 at Abraq Al Habari

I did my my weekly trip to Al Abraq with Brian. Migration season is over and wintering birds are just arriving. No rarities were around yet. Even so it was enjoyable to watch birds there. One particularly tame...

Bonelli's Eagle in flight

08/10/2010 at SAANR

After morning visit to Al Abraq, which was relatively quiet, I headed with Brian to SAANR. Mike Newey joined us over there.  Main target was, of course, White-crowned Wheatear. We managed to relocate the bird pretty quickly. It...

White-throated Kingfisher perched on a branch of a tree

07/10/2010 at SAANR and Jahra Pool

At SAANR: Common kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Steppe Eagle 3, Bar-tailed Lark 2, Hoope Lark 3, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Blackcap 1. At Jahra Pool: Purple Swamp-hen 5, Common Snipe 4, Garganey 6, Marsh Harrier 1, Little Ringed...

Common Buzzard in flight

24/09/2010 at Abraq Al Habari

Brian and I visited Al Abraq in the morning. Especially Steppe Buzzards were on the move today. We saw over 30 birds on our way to and in Al Abraq. Other birds were: Booted Eagle 1, Pallid Harrier...

Yellow-throated Sparrow feeding on dates

17/09/2010 at Abraq Al Habari

I visited Al Abraq with Brian this morning. Inspite of heavy shooting we managed to see some interesting birds inluding: Yellow-throated Sparrow 2, Black -headed Bunting 2, Common Rose Finch 2, 1st. Red-breasted Flycatcher for this autumn, Spotted...

A Citrine Wagtail feeding on the ground

11/09/2010 at Abraq Al Habari

Back to Kuwait after long summer in Finland. First visit to Al Abraq produced 3 Egyptian Nightjars, Citrine Wagtail and some other interesting migrants like 6 Golden Orioles and Wryneck. Citrine Wagatil (Motacilla citreola)