
Eurasian Curlew standing on the ground

29/1/2009 at Jahra East Outfall

This morning I went out with Simon Price who is a new “Kid in the Block”.  Being South African birder most of our species are new to him as well as birding sites, of course. At Jahra East Outfall we encountered relatively...

Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark perching on the ground

26/1/2009 at Kabd Reserve

Today’s target species were Dunn’s Lark and Black-crowned Sparrow-lark. The first one was relatively easy to find but Black-crowned Sparrow-lark was surprisingly difficult. Finally lark-specialist Dr. Gary Brown found one male for us. Dunn’s Lark 25, Crested Lark...

25/1/2009 at Abdaly Farms

After quick visit to Jahra Farms, where we managed to see Shikra and Bank Mynas, we headed to Abdaly. At our arrival all Red-wattled Lapwings were flying and we got a new Highest Daily Count of 32 birds....

Afghan Babbler Argya huttoni

14/1/2009 at Abdaly Farms

Short visit to Abdaly to check that Common Babblers and Red-wattled Lapwings are around. I saw at least three Common Babblers and 23 Red-wattled Lapwings. On my way back to Kuwait City I also checked former Purple Sunbird site...

Greater Spotted Eagle in flight

8/1/2009 at Sulaibiya Pivot Fields

Great Egret 2,  Little Egret 2, Night Heron 3, Cattle Egret 4, Grey Heron 15, Cormorant 10, Kestrel 3, Sparrowhawk 2, Shikra 1, Imperial Eagle 2, Greater Spotted  Eagle 2, Long-legged Buzzard 3, Common Buzzard 1, Black Kite...

05/01/2009 at Abraq Al Habari

Pekka and AbdulRahman went to Al-Abraq today to reclocate the Hume’s Leaf Warbler (2nd record) after hearing the bird calls a number of time we finally managed to see the bird and Pekka managed to photograph it as well. Birds that were seen...

Crested Honey Buzzard

Update to 1/1/2009 at Abraq Al Habari

While chasing Hume’s Leaf  Warbler on New Year’s day Mike and myself independently saw a raptor approaching fields. We both photographed that bird from different positions. Later on we looked at our pictures just to see Honey Buzzard type of...

Black-throated Thrush standing on the ground

3/1/2009 at Jahra Farms

At Al-Abraq AbdulRahman has photographed the Dark-throated Thrush Turdus [ruficollis] atrogularis, his photograph is shown below: Brief visit to Jahra Farms with AbdulRahman in late afternoon produced some nice records. Indian Roller 1, Dark-throated Thrush 1, Blackbird 1, Song...

Little Crake flapping wings on ground

2/1/2009 at Jahra East Outfall and Jahra Farms

Today I had just relaxed photographing of birds at JEO. Little Crake (Porzana parva) Clamorous Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus) Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon) Jahra Farms provided a good opportunity to photograph an immature Rose-coloured Starling. Rose-coloured Starling (Sturnus roseus)

Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra

29/12/2008 at Kabd Reserve

A final trip to Kebd during 2008 was not very productive. The Black-crowned Sparrow-larks, very much in evidence just a few weeks earlier, had all vanished, no doubt foraging in other parts of the area than usual. Several...