
White-headed Wagtail feeding on the ground

28/04/2008 at Jahra East Outfall

French team found Oriental Pratincole (Glareola maldivarum), first for Kuwait if accepted by KORC, in late afternoon on 27 April at JEO. Therefore we tried this morning to relocate the bird but unfortunately in vain. However, as a...

Hume’s Whitethroat Curruca althaea on a branch

26/04/2008 at Abraq Al Habari

Once we arrived it was immediately clear that Al Abraq was flooded with migrants. Unfortunately shooting was heavy as usual during Turtle Dove hunting season. People outside of the farm just shoot everything that flies past. Our best records were: Icterine...

White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis on ground

25/04/2008 at Pivot Fields

Common Nightingale 1, Masked Shrike 1, Great Reed Warbler 4, Blackcap 1, Common Buzzard 1, Red-backed Shrike 3, Pied Wheatear 3, Long-legged Buzzard, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin 2, Whinchat 10+, Common Redstart 3, Song Thrush 1, Woodchat Shrike 3,...

Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus on ground

21/04/2008 at Kabd Reserve

Despite the dusty conditions, a whole host of birds was observed in Kabd during an early morning 2-hour trip. The following species were noted: Cattle Egret 7, Steppe Eagle 1, Short-toed Eagle 1, Common Buzzard 1, Montagu’s Harrier...

Mishref Jogging Track, 18/04/2008

An early morning walk along the Mishref Jogging Track with wife in tow (but no bins, unfortunately, as I wasn’t expecting to be birdwatching) proved interesting. The birds were either along the track or immediately adjacent to it...

Little Crake Zapornia parva wading in water

Jahra East Outfall, 15/04/2008

At least 3 Little Bitterns were skulking in the reeds, and 2 separate Little Crakes were seen. Basra Reed Warblers were very active. Some of the other birds noted included Squacco Heron, Osprey, Montagu’s Harrrier (male), Common Sandpiper,...

1-10/04/2008, sightings by Mark O. Chichester.

Observer:  Mark O. Chichester 1-10 April 2008 Locations:    (N-W) Nuwaiseeb-Wafra Road (WOF) Wafra Oil Field – including the Joint Operations Administrative Camp  GPS for Wafra Administration Camp N28 degr 38.438′ E48 degr 56.043′ (WPR) –...

European Roller Coracias garrulus on wire

Kabd Reserve, 13-14/04/2008

Many of the migrants observed on 12/04 had moved on by the following day, though the Eurasian Wryneck observed near the main gate was seen again on both 13/04 and 14/04. On 13/04, birds of interest included 6...

Pale Rockfinch Carpospiza brachydactyla drinking water

12/04/2008 at Kabd Reserve

After the storms of the day before, today was a bumper day in terms of migrants. The visiting UK birders were unlucky to miss the one Dunn’s Lark I flushed, but this was made up for by other...

Whinchat on a branch

Kabd Reserve, KISR Shuwaikh 09-10/04/2008

10/04/2008: During a visit to Kabd with a visiting group of Finnish birders, we saw a group of 45+ Pale Rockfinches, 1 Booted Eagle, 2 White-throated Robins, a Whinchat and the usual migrants and resident larks (Dunn’s Lark,...

Daurian Shrike Lanius isabellinus feeding on Spotted Flycatcher

06-09/4/2008 at KISR Shuwaikh

The gardens at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) at Shuwaikh continue to attract a variety of migrants: ca. 80 Pipits (roughly equal numbers of Tree and Red-throated Pipits) have been working the lawns for the past week....