
Temminck’s Lark feeding in the desert

08/04/2008 at Kabd Reserve

An early morning trip to Kabd with the visiting birders from Austria / Germany provided some interesting birds, despite the dull, windy weather and the sandstorm that later developed. The main target species, Dunn’s Lark, was easily found,...

Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus perching on branch

29/03/2008 at Sulaibiya Pivot Fields, Abraq Al Habari and Sulaibikhat Bay

At Sulaibikhat Bay: Common Shelduck 4. At Sulaibiya: Orphean Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Upcher’s Warbler 3,  Common Redstart ssp. samamisicus 1, Common Whitethroat 1, Deser Warbler 1, Steppe Grey Shrike 1, Pallid Harrier 1. At Pivot Fields:...

Cinereous Bunting Emberiza cineracea semenowi on wires

25-26/03/2008 at Kabd Reserve

Spring migration has now started in earnest – visiting birders are turning up daily from various parts of northern and central Europe. An early morning trip to Kabd on the 25.03.2008 yielded 1 Booted Eagle, 3 Dunn’s Larks,...

Kurdish Wheatear perching on a rock

20/03/2008, at Khiran South by Rashed

Isabelline Shrike ssp. isabellinus 1. Pale Rochfinch 3, Kurdish Wheatear Oenanthe xanthoprymna xanthoprymna 1, Tree Pipit 1. Kurdish Wheatear Oenanthe xanthoprymna nominate race. Turkestan Shrike form karelini, which might be a hybrid between Turkestan Shrike and Red-backed Shrike....