Mystery Sylvia Warbler photographed on April 9th 2017 in Liyah North, Kuwait
The bird was spotted by Robert Poot and Edward IJzendoorn. The bird was initially identified as Subalpine Warbler. Later on some experts claimed it to be Menetries’s Warbler. I simply do not know it’s true identity. It looks so different to be Menetries’s but I do not know. If somebody has better information / experience about the issue please let me to know. I have no problem to accept Menetries’s Warbler if it is grounded properly. My e-mail is pekka.fagel@yahoo. com. The main problems to accept Menetries’s Warbler are wrong head color. Menetries should have very dark cap. This bird shows grey head color matching with mantle color. Tail is not black, narrow and lomg. The bird didn’t swing it to side wise like Menetries’s Warbler. The breast color is too rich to be Menetries’s Warbler.