01/07/2009 2nd record for Kuwait; a Long-tailed Skua by Humoud Al-Shayji
On 01/07/2009 Humoud Al-Shayji has seen about 6 Skuas at Jahra coast, they included a Long-tailed Skua, and a Pomarine Skua.
Humoud Al-Shayji is a bird photographer who has recently joined our birding forum he has a photographic Blog at Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/showaiji/
This Long-tailed Skua would be the second record for Kuwait if accepted by KORC, the first of which was on 27 May 1994 at Doha Point.
Pomarine Skua

Long-tailed Skua by Humound Al-Shayji

These pictures depict two different Long-tailed Skuas making them the second and third records for Kuwait?
Thanks for your comment, the two birds are considered second record. A one record can involve one or more bird.