01/07/2009 2nd record for Kuwait; a Long-tailed Skua by Humoud Al-Shayji

On 01/07/2009 Humoud Al-Shayji has seen about 6 Skuas at Jahra coast, they included a Long-tailed Skua, and a Pomarine Skua.

Humoud Al-Shayji is a bird photographer who has recently joined our birding forum he has a photographic Blog at Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/showaiji/

This Long-tailed Skua would be the second record for Kuwait if accepted by KORC,  the first of which was on 27 May 1994 at Doha Point.

Pomarine Skua

Pomarine Skua in flight
Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus كَرْكَرٌ قِشْرِيُّ مِنْقَارٍ

Long-tailed Skua by Humound Al-Shayji

Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus flying
Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus كَرْكَرٌ ذَنُوبٌ

2 Responses

  1. Dermot Breen says:

    These pictures depict two different Long-tailed Skuas making them the second and third records for Kuwait?
